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Stop Thinking of Yourself as "Single"

Writer: MadisonMadison

If by calling yourself single you mean that you are lacking, without, missing something, less than, unable to be fully happy, incomplete, or living a second-rate existence.... then please stop identifying as a Christian single. Because that is not how God defines the unmarried state.

God defines the unmarried state as one of unique blessing and abundance. As a single woman, you have the opportunity for an un-distracted companionship with Him that the married woman does not get to have. You have the opportunity to serve God in ways that the married woman cannot. And yet you think of it as "less than"?

As a Christian woman, you are spiritually betrothed to a perfect Spouse. He is perfect righteousness, perfect lovingkindness, and perfect faithfulness. Your cup is overflowing. Having Christ, you possess all. So sis, stop thinking of yourself as single and start thinking of yourself as whole in Christ: having abundance, possessing all, having your cup full to overflowing.

Next time someone asks you a negative question about your marital status, next time someone assumes that it is a second-rate, without, lacking state, what if you responded in a way that gently pointed to the truth? What if your reply highlighted the blessings and the abundance and the uniqueness and special-ness and more than anything the richness of an un-distracted walk with Jesus?

Oh, how your attitude and outlook would change if you started thinking of your singleness not in terms of what you don't have, but in terms of what you do have. And oh, how your feelings about singleness would change if you started taking advantage of what you have in this special state. It would revolutionize the Church if we started thinking about singleness as what it really is. If we saw cups overflowing, instead of half-empty. If we appreciated the special blessings of both singleness and marriage. If we saw that the grass is green in both fields, not just the one we don't happen to be in.

Sister, it starts with you. You can start rewiring the thinking, flipping the script, and rewriting the narrative. It's time the church started seeing singleness the way God sees it. And it's time for you to change your definition of singleness. Time to change your thought patterns about it, align your heart and mind with truth, and actually thank God for the blessings of singleness.



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Morgan Strnad
Morgan Strnad
Oct 17, 2024
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

So true yet so hard to grasp.

Oct 17, 2024
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Yes. ❤️

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