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Writer's pictureMadison

The Happiest Single Women Have One Thing in Common

The happiest single women have one thing in common: they have made God their delight.

God is not an accessory to their life, He is their whole life.

God fills their thoughts and free time.

They are obsessed with His Word.

They talk to Him throughout their day, even about the little things, as if He is their constant Companion.

They are quick to confess sin to Him and remove any hindrance to fellowship.

They are excited to be serving Him.

They want to be used by Him.

They are thrilled by the things He's doing in their lives.

Yes, they still have their moments of heart sickness from hopes deferred. They still desire to be married. They still have nights of crying themselves to sleep over dashed dreams. But grief is a place to which they make infrequent visits; it's not their constant state of residence.

Women who delight themselves in the Lord refuse to grieve in bitterness, hopelessness and anger; they choose to grieve in submission, hope and humility. Speaking truth to their hearts, rejoicing in the Lord, and trusting Him, even as the sting of broken dreams pierces their hearts and the tears of unanswered questions wash their cheeks.

Delight isn't something that just naturally comes over a person in response to pleasant circumstances, like the wave of happiness that washes over you while eating an ice cream cone. Delight is an action. It's a choice to take delight in something. To delight is to do.

If delight is an action, it means you must intentionally cultivate it. You must purposefully pursue it. You must take action steps in the thing you want to delight in. If you delight in something, you will give it three things:

  • your time

  • your thoughts

  • your effort

The primary object of these three things is what you're delighting in. The theme of these three categories is what you're spending your life on.

We easily give an abundance of our time, thoughts and effort to earthly things - the guy we're texting, the hobby we love, the social media scroll, the Netflix show...but how much of those three categories are we willing to give to the Lord?

Are we willing to make Christ our life? Are we willing to delight ourselves in Him? How often do we sit with Him, sharing our heart and thoughts? How often do we read His Word in earnest - longing to actually hear from Him, not just to check Bible reading off of our list? Is God the theme of our free time and thought life, or is something else?

Sister, make Christ your life, and you will find the abundant life. Make Christ your delight, and you will find real happiness. Pursue the Lord like your life depends on it, because it does!

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Mar 14, 2024
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

He is the desire of our heart. Love this. Thanks for what you share!

Mar 14, 2024
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Amen. Thank you for being here! :)


Mar 14, 2024
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

Thank you for this encouragement! I definitely needed to hear this today!

Mar 14, 2024
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Praise God!! :)

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